
What you will need

Wear comfortable clothing that you can move in. Useful items for class: A mat or blanket and cushion to sit on, a blanket for deep relaxation, a meditation shawl and water.

Kundalini Kriya Yoga and Meditation on Zoom

Kundalini Kriiya Yoga is a system of yogic exercise and meditation that promotes health, happiness, and spiritual awareness. There are three basic components to Kundalini Kriya Yoga. There are the physical postures, which strengthen and balance the nervous system, the glandular system and the circulatory system to promote optimum physical and emotional health. Breathing techniques (pranayam) assist a person in processing emotions and feelings, controlling moods, and developing concentration. Mantra (sound) and meditation techniques work to direct and discipline the mind. The practice of this yoga can give you the strength, courage and radiance to meet all of life’s challenges with grace. No experience necessary. Classes are $18 or purchase a Tenth Gate Membership.

Miracle Morning: A Kundalini Kriya Yoga Practice on Zoom

Join our Tenth Gate teachers for an early morning Sadhana offering Kundalini Kriya Yoga & Meditation to begin your day. Offered Monday through Friday. No experience necessary. Fee is $15, or purchase a monthly unlimited Miracle Morning Membership for $50 per month.

Meditation for Stress Relief on Zoom

This class is about experiencing the vast realms of breathwork, (pranayama), guided visualizations and meditation to change our state from stressed to calm. It represents Tom’s 15 plus years of teaching these practices to corporate and private clients, elite combat veterans and lawyers across the US and internationally. Each week you will be able to relax the nervous system and clear the mental space, establishing a new set of tools to manage the world we live in today. Fee is $15 or free for those with Tenth Gate Memberships.

The Way of Being: The Practice for Navigating our Turbulent Times
In-Person Class

The Way of Being is a weekly class offered to the MDI community as a safe space for learning navigation techniques that directly address anxiety and stress. You will not only learn new ways to calm your internal systems from the impact of the world you are experiencing, but will also have an opportunity to feel the results of those practices directly in the class. The practices involve a short movement warm-up, self-regulation techniques, breath sequences, visualization and guided meditations. They are part of the programs, which Tom has taught since 2013 to clients from around the globe.

In-Person Classes 

With Reinette
Kundalini Kriya Yoga & Meditation
Wednesdays 8:30-9:45am
Acadia Yurts & Wellness
200 Seal Cove Road
Southwest Harbor, Maine
$15 or class card
Mats, blankets and props are available.

Tuesday 9:00-10:00am
Kundalini Kriya Yoga

Bar Harbor Inn
On the Front Lawn
1 Newport Drive
Bar Harbor, Maine
$15 cash or local check
Mats and props are available.
Coming June 2025

With Tom
Tuesdays 5:30-6:30pm
Begins January 7
The Way of Being
The Practice for Navigating our Turbulent Times
Acadia Yurts & Wellness
200 Seal Point Road
Southwest Harhor, Maine
By Donation

Sunday 9:00-10:00am
Kundalini Kriya Yoga
Bar Harbor Inn
On the Front Lawn
1 Newport Drive
Bar Harbor, Maine
$15 cash or local check
Mats and props are available.
Coming June 2025