Miracle Morning Sadhana: A 40 Day Program

A Kundalini Yoga Practice
The kriya will focus on spinal health and mental health.
Monday, February 5-Friday, March 15
6:00-7:00am EST for live Classes 7 days a week.
You will have access to our video library if you are unable to make the 6am class.
Fee: $145
Those who hold Miracle Morning or Tenth Gate Memberships, contact Reinette for a discount on the program.
The 40 Day Package Includes
40 Days of Consecutive Practice.
A kundalini kriya that will remain the same for the 40 Days.
11-20 minute meditation that will remain the same throughout the 40 Days.
Saturday & Sunday 6am class exclusively for our 40 Dayers.
Sunday’s 9am & Friday’s 9:30am classes (In case you need to sleep in a little later!)
Same kriya and meditation, but 75-90 minutes instead of 60.
Informational Booklet that includes the kriya and helpful information to assist you on your journey.
Yogic teachings that support the program.
Weekly Check-in/Support Meetings. Held Tuesdays 6-7pm, beginning February 13.
Access to our Miracle Morning Video Class Library.
This allows students to fit the 40 consecutive day practice into their schedules.
If you can’t make a 6am class you can access the practice through the library so you don’t miss a day.
Journey deeper into your Self. Who am I really?
Bring balance to your life. Move the body with the breath, and explore how expansive and energized you feel.
Build a strong immune system. Especially important these days.
Build a healthier body and a calmer mind. For a happier life.
Increase your intuitive abilities. Be in flow and navigate life from a place of knowing.
Receive support from Reinette & Yogi Tom. Offering you their guidance, encouragement and a combined 35 years experience.